These philosophical songs tell of many deep thoughts in simple, melodious words. However here we confine ourselves to just about ten or so songs from three films during the period 1962-66 when he appeared to be giving his best songs to the film industry.ĭosti ( 1964) was a landmark film from several points of view, one big highlight being its most memorable songs written by Majrooh Sahib, composed by Laxmikant Pyarelal and sung by Rafi Sahib, most of them filmed on a new and great actor Sudhir Kumar Sawant who played the role of a blind street singer. While he could pen very sad but at the same time popular songs in Shahjahan and Andaz, his light hearted romantic songs in films like Aar Paar, Mr. However his talent could not be suppressed for too long and he was soon back among hit songs with a very wide range. It was around the same time that Balraj Sahni too was arrested.Ĭoming out of the jail after about two years or so, it was not easy to get a second start as he also had to bear the stigma of a prison sentence. In fact due to this he was imprisoned in 1949, just as he had got his first big break with hit films like Andaz and Arzoo. What is less known is his involvement in the Progressive Writers Movement and his strong leftist views as reflected in some of his earliest poems. Majrooh Sultanpuri ( 1919-2000) was a highly talented lyricist of Hindi cinema who also received the highly coveted Dadasaheb Phalke Award for lifetime achievement. Share on WhatsApp Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on Telegram Share on Reddit Share on Email